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Thermal Mornings - 2 hour ticket

Do you feel like a healthy beginning of your day? It is very simple. Familiarise yourself with our special offer: Thermal Mornings. The way you start your day influences your physical and mental state, energy and vitality.


By spending a morning in BUKOVINA Thermal Baths, you will experience really magic moments. Thermal Mornings is a proposal both for those that like starting their day with physical activity, as well as those that like morning blissful and warm laziness. Imagine that you watch slowly awakening nature of the Tatrzański National Park from the Niebiesko Dolina swimming pool. You can use hydromassage beds and neck and back massaging nozzles there. In the pool there is the highest water temperature, which will be satisfactory to even the most stenothermal people. 


Or maybe morning training? Go into the Cepersko Płań swimming pool. Under water you will hear relaxing music. 

The ticket includes a two-hour one-off access to outdoor and indoor swimming pools with hydromassages, jacuzzis, the zone for kids and teenagers. 


Discover our sauna zone and familiarise yourself with the SPA & Wellness offer. Those places are subject to an extra fee.  


Choose a date, add ticket to cart  and start your day from a bath in warm thermal water. 


Useful information:

  • Parking is free of charge
  • On the spot, there is a shop with necessary swimming accessories.
  • An online ticket does not constitute a seat reservation.
  • The ticket mus be purchased and used between 9 am and 11 am
  • Additional fee for exceeded time PLN 10 for every started 30 minutes

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